Results for 'J. C. Rouchy'

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  1. Les organisations, problèmes psychosociologiques, « Organisation et sciences humaines », 3.J. March, H. A. Simon, J. C. Rouchy & M. Crozier - 1965 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 20 (1):97-98.
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  2. Wittgenstein's later work in relation to conservatism.J. C. Nyíri - 1982 - In Anthony Kenny & Brian McGuinness, Wittgenstein and his times. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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  3. From eötvös to Musil, philosophy and its negation in austria and hungary.J. C. Nyíri - 1981 - In János Kristóf Nyíri, Austrian philosophy: studies and texts. München: Philosophia-Verlag.
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  4. t. 2. Essai sur les fondements de nos connaissances et sur les caractères de la critique philosophique.édité par J. C. Pariente - 1973 - In Antoine Augustin Cournot, Œuvres complètes. Paris: J. Vrin.
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  5. Bergson et Wittgenstein.Voir J.-C. Pariente - 1969 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 2.
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  6. Method in Madness: Case Studies in Cognitive Neuropsychiatry.P. W. Halligan & J. C. Marshall (eds.) - 1996 - Psychology Press.
  7. Ontofiction: the altered comprehension of the world.J. C. Couceiro-Bueno - 2000 - Analecta Husserliana 68:399-414.
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  8. When are husbands worth fighting for.Steven J. C. Gaulin & J. Boster - forthcoming - Human Nature: A Critical Reader.
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  9. Tradition and bureaucratic Lore : Lessons from hungary.J. C. Nyíri - 1993 - In János Kristóf Nyíri & Barry Smith, Philosophy and political change in Eastern Europe. LaSalle, Ill.: Hegeler Institute.
  10. Revisiting natural law : an ongoing challenge.Anthony J. Kelly & R. C. Ss - 2014 - In William C. Mattison & John Berkman, Searching for a universal ethic: multidisciplinary, ecumenical, and interfaith responses to the Catholic natural law tradition. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
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    Logic Made Easy;: Or a Short View of the Aristotelic System of Reasoning, and Its Application to Literature, Science, and the General Improvement of the Mind. Designed Chiefly for the Students of the University of Oxford.Henry Kett, J. Parker & F. C. And J. Rivington - 1809 - Printed at the University Press for the Author; : And Sold by J. Parker, Oxford, : And F.C. And J. Rivington, London.
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    Small-scale gravitational instabilities under the oceans: Implications for the evolution of oceanic lithosphere and its expression in geophysical observables.S. Zlotnik, J. C. Afonso, P. Díez & M. Fernández - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (28-29):3197-3217.
  13. Preface: Theory philosophy, literature.Robert J. C. Young - 2019 - In Irving Goh, French Thought and Literary Theory in the Uk. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  14. What makes it difficult to process multiple targets in rapid serial visual presentation.K. L. Horlitz, J. C. Johnston & R. W. Remington - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):474-474.
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    Why Integrated Information Theory Must Fail on its Own Causal Terms.T. van Stekelenburg & J. C. W. Edwards - 2020 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 27 (7-8):144-164.
    In defining physical (i.e. causal dynamic) units to which conscious experience is to be ascribed, integrated information theory (IIT) raises three notable requirements: (1) that a unit to which consciousness is ascribed must be defined, or circumscribed, by some intrinsic aspect or property, where intrinsic implies existing 'for itself' or 'from its point of view'; (2) that the intrinsic aspect that defines the unit to which consciousness is ascribed must be dynamic (i.e. involve causal power) rather than purely structural or (...)
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  16. Philosophical Problems of Cosmology.J. J. C. Smart - 1987 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 41 (1):112.
  17. The Challenge of Scientific Materialism.J. J. C. Smart - 2002 - In Alan R. Malachowski, Richard Rorty. London ;: Routledge. pp. 1--5.
  18. Four Instrumental Proposals.J. C. Garcia-Bermejo Ochoa - 1996 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 186:243-258.
  19.  26
    (1 other version)Nicholas Maxwell, The Comprehensibility of the Universe: A New Conception of Science. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998, cloth £35. ISBN: 0 19 823776 6. [REVIEW]J. J. C. Smart - 2000 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 51 (4):907-911.
  20. Review of Stephen Hetherington's How to Know: A Practicalist Conception of Knowledge. [REVIEW]B. J. C. Madison - 2012 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
  21.  17
    The Story of Mr. and Mrs. Doe: “You can’t tell my husband he’s dying; it will kill him.”.M. L. White & J. C. Fletcher - 1990 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 1 (1):59-62.
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  22. Hospital Ethics Committees In: Connor SS, Fuenzilida–Puelma HL, eds.J. C. Tealdi & J. A. Mainetti - forthcoming - Bioethics: Issues and Perspectives. Washington Dc: Paho.
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    Dispositions, Reduction Sentences and Causal Conditionals.J. C. D'Alessio - 1967 - Critica 1 (3):65-81.
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    Malory and the French Prose Lancelot.P. J. C. Field - 1993 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 75 (1):79-102.
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  25. Involuntary capture of spatial attention is contingent on control settings.C. L. Folk, J. C. Johnston & R. W. Remington - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):514-514.
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    Review of Mikkel Gerken's Epistemic Reasoning and the Mental. [REVIEW]B. J. C. Madison - 2014 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews:xx-yy.
  27. Review of the book Biblische Handlungsanweisungen: Beispiele pragmatischer Exegese, H. Frankemölle, 1983, 3786710325. [REVIEW]W. J. C. Weren - 1987 - Bijdragen 48:76-77.
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  28. Review of the book De messiaanse weg (Dl. 2: Jezus van Nazaret), CJ den Heyer, 1986, 9024241146. [REVIEW]W. J. C. Weren - 1988 - Bijdragen 49:95-95.
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  29. Review of the book Le refus d'Israël: Matthieu 27, 25, V. Mora, 1986, 2204024384. [REVIEW]W. J. C. Weren - 1987 - Bijdragen 48:343-344.
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  30. Review of the book L'évangile selon Marc: Commentaire, B. Standaert, 1983, 2204019623. [REVIEW]W. J. C. Weren - 1984 - Bijdragen 45:70-70.
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    Nyíri, J.C., Tradition and Individuality: Philosophical Essays, “Synthese Library”; Nyíri, Kristóf, A hagyomány filozófiája (The Philosophy of Tradition); Neumer, Katalin, Gondolkodás, beszéd, írás (Thought, Language, and Writing).J. C. Nyíri, Kristóf Nyíri & Katalin Neumer - 1999 - Studies in East European Thought 51 (4):329-340.
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    J. C. C. McKinsey. Boolean functions and points. Duke mathematical journal, vol. 2 (1936), pp. 465–471.J. C. C. Mckinsey - 1937 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 2 (1):41-41.
  33. Spandrels of truth.J. C. Beall - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In Spandrels of Truth, Beall concisely presents and defends a modest, so-called dialetheic theory of transparent truth.
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  34. Character, and its External Signs, by J.C.S.C. S. J. & Character - 1865
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    Liars and Heaps: New Essays on Paradox.J. C. Beall (ed.) - 2003 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    Semantic and soritical paradoxes challenge entrenched, fundamental principles about language - principles about truth, denotation, quantification, and, among others, 'tolerance'. Study of the paradoxes helps us determine which logical principles are correct. So it is that they serve not only as a topic of philosophical inquiry but also as a constraint on such inquiry: they often dictate the semantic and logical limits of discourse in general. Sixteen specially written essays by leading figures in the field offer new thoughts and arguments (...)
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  36. (1 other version)Holism and Evolution.J. C. Smuts - 1927 - International Journal of Ethics 37 (3):314-314.
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  37. The Neurophysiological Basis of Mind: The Principles of Neurophysiology.J. C. ECCLES - 1954 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 5 (18):153-159.
  38. Logical Consequence.J. C. Beall, Greg Restall & Gil Sagi - 2019 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    A good argument is one whose conclusions follow from its premises; its conclusions are consequences of its premises. But in what sense do conclusions follow from premises? What is it for a conclusion to be a consequence of premises? Those questions, in many respects, are at the heart of logic (as a philosophical discipline). Consider the following argument: 1. If we charge high fees for university, only the rich will enroll. We charge high fees for university. Therefore, only the rich (...)
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    On Closed Elements in Closure Algebras.J. C. C. Mckinsey & Alfred Tarski - 1946 - Annals of Mathematics, Ser. 2 47:122-162.
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    Deflated truth pluralism.J. C. Beall - 2012 - In Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen & Cory Wright, Truth and Pluralism: Current Debates. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 323.
  41. Logical Pluralism.J. C. Beall & Greg Restall - 2005 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. Edited by Greg Restall.
    Consequence is at the heart of logic, and an account of consequence offers a vital tool in the evaluation of arguments. This text presents what the authors term as 'logical pluralism' arguing that the notion of logical consequence doesn't pin down one deductive consequence relation; it allows for many of them.
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    Inner models for set theory—Part II.J. C. Shepherdson - 1952 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 17 (4):225-237.
    In this paper we continue the study of inner models of the type studied inInner models for set theory—Part I.The present paper is concerned exclusively with a particular kind of model, the ‘super-complete models’ defined in section 2.4 of I. The condition of 2.4 and the completeness condition 1.42 imply that such a model is uniquely determined when its universal class Vmis given. Writing condition and the completeness conditions 1.41, 1.42 in terms of Vm, we may state the definition in (...)
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    Set Theory and Its Logic.J. C. Shepherdson & Willard Van Orman Quine - 1965 - Philosophical Quarterly 15 (61):371.
  44. Fitch's proof, verificationism, and the knower paradox.J. C. Beall - 2000 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 78 (2):241 – 247.
    I have argued that without an adequate solution to the knower paradox Fitch's Proof is- or at least ought to be-ineffective against verificationism. Of course, in order to follow my suggestion verificationists must maintain that there is currently no adequate solution to the knower paradox, and that the paradox continues to provide prima facie evidence of inconsistent knowledge. By my lights, any glimpse at the literature on paradoxes offers strong support for the first thesis, and any honest, non-dogmatic reflection on (...)
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  45. Utilitarianism For and Against.J. C. Smart & B. Williams - 1975 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 37 (2):355-357.
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    (1 other version)On the syntactical construction of systems of modal logic.J. C. C. Mckinsey - 1945 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 10 (3):83-94.
  47. Plato.J. C. B. Gosling - 1976 - Mind 85 (337):120-122.
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    Possibilities and paradox: an introduction to modal and many-valued logic.J. C. Beall - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Bas C. Van Fraassen.
    Extensively classroom-tested, Possibilities and Paradox provides an accessible and carefully structured introduction to modal and many-valued logic. The authors cover the basic formal frameworks, enlivening the discussion of these different systems of logic by considering their philosophical motivations and implications. Easily accessible to students with no background in the subject, the text features innovative learning aids in each chapter, including exercises that provide hands-on experience, examples that demonstrate the application of concepts, and guides to further reading.
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  49. The Augean Stables of Academe: How to Remove the Authoritarian Bias in Universities.J. C. Lester - 2018 - Misesuk.Org.
    The “free world” was the political rhetoric used during the Cold War in contrast to the “communist” countries. However, the “free world” was manifestly never free: the state considerably interfered with people in their persons and their property. And the “communist” countries were manifestly never communist in the Marxist sense: there was no common ownership of the means of production with the absence of social classes, money, and the state. It would have been more accurate to call them the “authoritarian (...)
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  50. Quantum Quandaries: A Category-Theoretic Perspective.J. C. Baez - 2006 - In Dean Rickles, Steven French & Juha T. Saatsi, The Structural Foundations of Quantum Gravity. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
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